Safety Agreement 

Our Safety Agreement contains important information about the risks involved whilst racing at Lubowa Karting.  It includes information on what you must do to reduce such risks. Before racing at Lubowa Karting, it is important that you read our Safety Agreement carefully and sign it to confirm both your understanding and agreement that all rules will be followed. 



In consideration of the adult and/or minor child listed below and by physically or electronically signing this Agreement, and the undersigned being permitted to participate in Attractions (as defined below) hosted by LUBOWA GO KART CENTRE (the “Company”) on the premises of Lubowa Go Kart Centre at Plot 1624, Lubowa Estate, Wakiso district, Uganda (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”), and other good and sufficient consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. I, for myself and for my heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns and any persons, and on behalf of and as the parent or legal guardian of any minors identified below (hereinafter individually or collectively referred to as “RELEASORS”), do now by execution of this Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”):

1. HEREBY, RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Company, its respective owners, subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates, its officers, trustees, employees, directors, agents, attorneys, consultants, contractors, advisors, and the owners and operators of the Property (hereinafter collectively the “RELEASEES”) from any and all liability, actions, claims, damages, costs or expenses, and demands whatsoever, whether in law or equity, which I may have or which any minor identified below may have, now or in the future, or which my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns hereafter shall or may have arising out of or in any way connectedwith my presence, or the presence of any minors identified below, arising out of his/her Participation in or in the involvement on the premises of the Property including, but not limited to, injuries to my person or property or to any minors identified below, including
death, before, during or after unless such damage, death, loss or injury resulted from the negligent act or omission of any of the RELEASEES.

2. HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND ACCEPT ALL RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE to me, or any minor identified below or my property arising out of our Participation or while on the premises of the Property. I and any minors identified below understand and acknowledge that participating in go-karting and all other activities (hereinafter referred to as (“Attractions”) involve inherent risk of physical injuries or physical damage, including but not limited to heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, knee and back injuries and other illness, soreness and/or other injury caused during participation in the attractions. We voluntarily agree to participate, and we agree to assume all risk for our Participation and while on Property, including after the date of this Agreement. Further, I agree that I will not participate in go-karting if I am under the influence of alcohol or other
substances. The Company has the sole right to suspend my Participation on the Property if my actions appear to endanger another customer, employee of the Company or myself or minor.

3. RELEASORS HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE RELEASEES, from and against all liability, actions, claims, damages, costs, or expenses, including reasonable legal fees, and demands whatsoever, whether in law or equity, which we may have, now or in the future, or which our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns hereafter shall or may have arising out of or in any way connected with our Participation or presence on the premises of the Property, including, but not limited to injuries to the person or his/her property, including death of the undersigned, before, during or after our presence on the Property, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. I will also be held liable for all claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including but not limited to personal and property damage, which arise out of my negligence and all privileges to the Property may be permanently
revoked by the Company.

4. Agreement to Pay My Own Medical Expenses. I acknowledge, accept, and assume the risk of any and all medical conditions, limitations, or disabilities (whether temporary or permanent) that I or the minor or any Releasors possess, whether known or unknown,
which might contribute to or exacerbate any injury or illness that I or the child or any Releasor might sustain as a result of using the Attractions. I acknowledge and agree that if medical assistance (of any form, including emergency care, hospitalization, out-patient
care, and/or physical/occupational therapy) is required or performed as a result of any injury I or the minor or any Releasor sustains while using the Attractions, such assistance shall be at my own expense.

I have read and voluntarily signed this Release, Waiver of liability, and Indemnity Agreement, for myself and the minor(s) identified below, and further agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducements, not a part of the foregoing written agreement have been made.

HAVE SPECIFICALLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE SAFETY RULES CONTAINED IN THE SCHEDULE TO THIS AGREEEMENT. I hereby affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor(s) listed below.

First & Last Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian name (if applicable): __________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________________
Signature (of Parent/Guardian if applicable):


Date: ____________________
Please tick if you agree that we may contact you by phone or email with respect to our service and any offerings we may make available in the future.

Safety Rules

1. You must follow Lubowa Karting’s rules at all times. If you are responsible for anyone aged under 18, you must ensure they too follow Lubowa Karting’s rules - if you do not think this is possible, you/they must not participate under any circumstances as this will endanger yourself and others.
2. You must follow instructions from Lubowa Karting Staff Members & safety signage at all times without exception.
3. You must watch and pay full attention to the activity Safety Video(s) and/or safety briefing before starting any session.
Under no circumstances may you participate in any activity unless you have watched and understood the full video and/or safety briefing.
4. You must not participate in any activity if you are not physically/mentally able to do so. If you have concerns about your ability to participate safely, you must seek professional advice before doing so - this includes pre-existing health conditions.
5. You must not participate if you are pregnant.
6. You must not take/wear any objects into/on the karting activity that may cause injury/damage to yourself or others.
This includes, but isn’t limited to; jewellery, watches, technology, sharps, food and medication.
7. You must wear appropriate clothing that fits tight to your body - no loose clothing or accessories such as scarves, dresses, large chains, straps etc.
8. You must leave the activity areas as soon as your session time expires or if a Lubowa Karting staff member instructs you to do so.
9. You must wear a helmet and balaclava/hair net, if instructed to wear one by a member of our team.
10. You must keep your helmet visor closed and/or wear safety glasses whilst racing at all times; if you are instructed to wear a helmet.
11. You must fasten your seatbelt if one is available in your kart.
12. You must not wear sandals, high heeled or open toed footwear - closed/flat shoes are mandatory.
13. You must tuck long hair into your clothing/helmet or, tie it in a bun close to your head.
14. You must not participate if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
15. You must not eat or drink in the activity area at any time.
16. You must respond appropriately to marshal, flag and (or) light instructions promptly.
17. You must stay in control and within your own abilities. If you feel uncontrolled or unsafe, you must slow down and/or stop in a safe place and notify a track marshal.
18. You must stay away from others - all physical, person to person / kart to kart contact is prohibited.
19. You must not exit your kart until instructed to do so by a marshal.
20. You must keep your arms, legs, and head within the kart at all times.
21. You must keep two hands on the wheel at all times.
22. You must not obstruct someone else’s path - check your own path is completely clear before moving or overtaking.
23. You must drive slowly in the pit lane, or anywhere else on the track if instructed to do so by a marshal.
24. You must always drive in the correct direction of the track - never drive in the opposite direction.
25. You must not attempt to take shortcuts; you must remain between the white track lines/tyres at all times.
26. You must not join any activity if you are unwell, or present symptoms of any disease (such as COVID-19).
27. Children are NOT permitted to sit on an adult’s lap in the Go Karts.
28. No phones or cameras are permitted whilst one is in a Go Kart.
29. No phones or cameras are permitted in the Go Kart area without express permission from management.